Modelling and Experimental Analysis for Performance Improvement of Photovoltaic Module using Different Cooling Systems

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University

2 Electrical Technology Department, Egyptian German College (EGC), Misr International Technological University (MITU)

3 Upper Egypt Electricity Production Company, Assiut, Egypt

4 Electrical engineering, faculty of Engineering, Assiut university


Abstract This paper will review, analyze, model, and check experimentally the most effective techniques of photovoltaic (PV) cooling and control of its temperature in general. This will be analyzed and discussed to choose the suitable methods for Middle East Countries, especially Egypt. Namely, it is well known that an increase in electrical efficiency is a direct result of any decrease in the panel temperature. Several cooling techniques will be studied, analyzed, modelled, and check experimentally the best based on active, passive water and air cooling, as these are the simplest techniques. Improving electrical efficiency depends mainly on the technique used in cooling, geographical position, type and size of the module, and the month or season of the year. Usually, the overall efficiency records improvement with a rise of 10-15 %. Finally, a comparison on deferent cooling techniques for PV panels will be made to discuss which type is suitable for Egypt.
