Study of Tube Ends Forming Using Ballizing Technique

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt.

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Education, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef 62511, Egypt.

3 Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, Faculty of Engineering, Minia 61111, Egypt

4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef 62511, Egypt


 The fabrication of tube ends is an important branch in
the fluid and gas transportation industries as it is needed in pipes
connection process. Traditional methods like pressing, stamping,
and welding with flanges have been utilized, along with
non-traditional techniques such as spinning and rotary forging.
Steel balls were exploited in this study as a forming tool for
aluminum pipe ends. To select the proper machine and found the
necessary forces for forming, a mathematical approach was
created to estimate the forming load. The forming tool was made
up of two steel balls with a diameter of 45 mm that could move
freely around their three axes. The combination of the steel balls
above the thrust bearing in its holder is mounted on a jaws of
lathe chuck which acting as a holder for the whole tool. The
forming process began by adjusting the contact of the forming
ball with the outer surface of the pipe, moving the carriage
backward, and adjusting the forming depth. As the forming ball
contacted the pipe's outer surface and advanced until the desired
nosing ratio was achieved, the forming occurred. The effects of
these variables on the forming forces, hardness, and thickness
change of the formed part were evaluated. The experimental
results showed enhancement in reduction ratios to reach 63%
compared to a ratio of about 40%. The thickness change values
after forming were within acceptable limits of 12%. The results
of the mathematical model aligned with the experimental


Main Subjects